

Edwin Gianini Executive Director at the Lauren McCluskey Foundation
Edwin Gianini
Executive Director
Linda Mittelhammer
Linda Mittelhammer
Director of Community Relations

Board of Directors

Head Shot Chris scaled e1660601534563
Chris Vogel
Teacher and Track & Field Coach, Rep. for Amateur Athletics
Bryan Slinker e1668028478843
Bryan Slinker, DVM, PhD
Dean Emeritus, College of Veterinary Medicine @ WSU Rep. for Animal Welfare
Ron High RES scaled e1667954394389
Ron Mittelhammer, PhD
Regents Professor, Rep. for Higher Education and University Admin
Matt McCluskey scaled e1667954324466
Matt McCluskey, PhD
Professor of Physics, Founder and Treasurer
Jill 16 e1660601835942
Jill McCluskey
Regents Professor, School of Economic Sciences, Founder and Chair
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Amos Guiora, PhD, J.D.
Professor of Law at the University of Utah, Rep. for Institutional Complicity Enabling Culture and Sexual Assaults
Mark Duggan, PhD
Cooperman Professor of Economy and Director of Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Rep. for Crime, Health, and Enforcement Policy
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Nicole Drumhiller
Prof & Interim Dean of School of Security & Global Studies at American Public University, Rep. for Security Policy