Matt McCluskey, PhD

Professor of Physics, Founder and Treasurer

Matt McCluskey is Westinghouse Professor of Materials Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Washington State University (WSU). He received his Physics Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 1997, under the supervision of Professor Eugene Haller. His research, performed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, focused on hydrogen in semiconductors. He did postdoctoral research at Xerox PARC, where he studied semiconductors used in blue lasers, under the supervision of Dr. Noble Johnson. He joined the WSU faculty as an assistant professor in 1998. He has a broad research background in materials and high-pressure physics. McCluskey has authored or coauthored over 100 publications, including a graduate textbook on defects in semiconductors, and 2 patents. He co-founded Klar Scientific, a startup company that develops spectroscopic microscopes, in 2016 with Dr. Rick Lytel.