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Nicole Drumhiller

Prof & Interim Dean of School of Security & Global Studies at American Public University, Rep. for Security Policy

Dr. Nicole K. Drumhiller, PhD, CTM is the former Dean of the School of Security and Global Studies at the American Public University System and is a member of the Doctoral Research Department at the American College of Education. She holds degrees in Criminal Justice and Political Science including a Ph.D. in Political Science with specializations in International Security, International Relations, and Political Psychology from Washington State University. She is a Certified Threat Manager with the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, a consultant on biosecurity and threat management, and a co-founder of the IntelHub, an online consortium for intelligence education and research. As a published author and international speaker, her research focuses on social & political psychology, intelligence, and international relations with a focus on threat management, warning intelligence in high-consequence environments, extremist group and leadership behavior, and developments in intelligence studies. Some of her recent publications include: “Warning Intelligence and High Consequence Environments: A Comparative Assessment to Integrate Human Factors to Support Warning Analysis” (2024) with Jim Burch and Casey Skvorc; The Academic-Practitioner Divide in Intelligence Studies with Mark Phythian and Rubén Arcos (2022, Roman & Littlefield); and “Intimate Partner Violence on Campus: A Victim-Based Case Study” (2022). She is a board member with The Lauren McCluskey Foundation, and the Global Security and Intelligence Studies journal; she is the Communications and Newsletter Editor for the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association and serves on the Distance Learning Committee at ABSA International. Dr. Drumhiller also peer-reviews several journals, including the International Journal for Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Intelligence and National Security, and the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence.