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Lauren’s Promise: A pledge to increase campus safety and to help any person who may be in harm’s way, ABC 4 – August 24, 2020

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Lauren McCluskey explicit photos were shown to other officers, report says, Deseret News – August 5, 2020

Lauren McCluskey Foundation hires new executive director, Daily Evergreen – July 12, 2020

Lauren McCluskey Foundation office opens at Washington State University; First Executive Director hired, ABC 4 – July 6,

‘I will listen and believe you’: Lauren’s Promise pledge reaching students throughout the US and beyond, – June 20, 2020

Parents of Lauren McCluskey sue state of Utah with hopes to overturn police immunity, KUTV 2 – June 8, 2020

Mediation talks between McCluskeys, University of Utah, end with no agreement, Deseret News – May 20, 2020

Timeline of Lauren McCluskey’s murder and events following her death, ABC 4 – May 18, 2020

Parents of slain University of Utah student Lauren McCluskey have prepared 2nd lawsuit, Deseret News – May 11, 2020