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Improving Ute track and field program will always remember Lauren McCluskey, Deseret News – April 23, 2020

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Learn more about our work and stay up-to-date with the Lauren McCluskey Foundation

New memorial, tree planted in honor of Lauren McCluskey, KLEW – February 14, 2020

Student safety summit at University of Utah begins with moment to ‘remember individual students lost on our campuses,‘ Deseret News – January 24, 2020

Foundation and individual donors fund Lauren McCluskey Cat Wing at Whitman County Humane Society

Lauren McCluskey Memorial Fund at the University of Utah is created to provide scholarships to student athletes

The University of Utah could have protected Lauren McCluskey from her attacker – but chose not to, her family’s attorneys say in new court filing,

Mother of Lauren McCluskey speaks out on anniversary of daughter’s death, KUTV 2 – October 23, 2019

University of Utah Safety Concerns Persist a Year After Track Star Lauren McCluskey’s Murder, KUER – October 22, 2019

100 University of Utah students walk out of class in protest of how their school has handled Lauren McCluskey’s case and other concerns reported by